Christina Robinson

Determined to Rise

Add this to your reading list – Determined To Rise

By Christina Robinson / 08/04/2022
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Most of us like a good book, and we’ve released articles previously on marketing books you should read, roll back a few years, and we had a whole series on…

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Webinar - Email Marketing tactics that increase results

Webinar – Email Marketing Tactics That Increase Results 

By Christina Robinson / 29/03/2022
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In this webinar, you will learn the dos and don’ts of email marketing and how to encourage opens and click-throughs to essentially meet your campaign objectives.

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Recruitment Marketing Congress

You’re Invited – The Recruitment Marketing Congress 2022!

By Christina Robinson / 18/03/2022
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Recruitment Marketing Congress This blog is specifically for our friends who work in recruitment. By all means, read on if you’re a non-recruitment marketer but a friendly heads-up, if that’s…

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Webinar - top 20 social media tools

Webinar – Top 20 Social Media Tools

By Christina Robinson / 14/03/2022
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In this webinar, we will go through our top 20 social media tools to help you manage your business’s social media and stay ahead of the game

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Lead with value

Does Your Content “Lead with Value”?

By Christina Robinson / 11/03/2022
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“Lead with value”. Dependent on how closely you follow me on social media, how often you read my blogs and whether you join our weekly Live Lunch show on a…

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Newsjacking vs Knowing When to Shut the Hell Up!

By Christina Robinson / 04/03/2022
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I am a little nervous about writing this and putting it out there for the world to see. This article is about who I am. My opinions, based on my…

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Webinar - Tips, Tricks and Content Planning Hacks to Elevate your Presence

Webinar – Tips, Tricks and Content Planning Hacks to Elevate your Presence

By Christina Robinson / 01/03/2022
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In this webinar, you will learn lots of different tips and tricks, and awesome content planning ideas to help elevate your business presence on your social media platforms

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First party data

First-Party Data is a Marketing Must-Have

By Christina Robinson / 18/02/2022
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When I wrote about the trends I was anticipating seeing this year, I talked about first-party data. This week alone I’ve seen a plethora of articles in support of this!…

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Webinar - How to leverage your company linkedin presence

Webinar – How to Leverage your Company Linkedin Presence

By Christina Robinson / 15/02/2022
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This webinar will take you through tips and tricks on how to leverage your company LinkedIn presence and get the most out of this platform.

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Meta Crashes

Meta Crashes – And look who’s getting the blame!

By Christina Robinson / 04/02/2022
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I have two addictions – Firstly, how social media is used for business, and secondly, how social media business is done! It’s been a whopper of a week with Spotify…

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