Christina Robinson

Webinar - Optimising your youtube channel for beginners

Webinar – Youtube Optimisation for Beginners

By Christina Robinson / 01/02/2022
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If you’re in the business of creating videos, you should make sure you have a properly optimised YouTube channel. This webinar will take you through different strategies to help you…

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Three key sources for engaging content ideas

Three Key Sources for Engaging Content Ideas

By Christina Robinson / 28/01/2022
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ENGAGING CONTENT It doesn’t matter how experienced you are when it comes to content marketing, you’ll always run into a dry spell when it comes to finding inspiration for engaging…

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Personal Branding

Personal Branding – What the Frack…

By Christina Robinson / 21/01/2022
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I recently came across someone who describes themselves as a personal branding guru. (Yep, they used the word guru.)They were 12 (ok, early/ mid-20s)Their professional experience spanned a whole two…

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How Can I Improve My Marketing Strategy?

How Can I Improve My Marketing Strategy?

By Christina Robinson / 07/01/2022
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It happens regularly, usually, in January, April and September – these are the key points of the year when business owners are looking to improve performance. They’re setting goals to…

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How to Livestream on Linkedin

Webinar – How to Livestream on Linkedin

By Christina Robinson / 04/01/2022
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Linkedin Livestreaming is a great way for you to connect with your communities in real-time. In this webinar, we’ll show you how to go live on Linkedin, share best practices,…

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2022 Goals

2022 – The year it all comes together!

By Christina Robinson / 31/12/2021
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It’s that time of year, the lull where my Facebook feed is flooded with invitations to attend goal-setting webinars. And my inbox is about to be flooded with all of…

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Before you switch off for the holidays

Before you switch off for the holidays

By Christina Robinson / 17/12/2021
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With only a few business days remaining before many of us down tools, switch off, and disappear for a well-deserved break it feels that offering you a checklist of pre-holiday…

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Marketing trends for 2022

Marketing Trends For 2022 – What Should You Focus On?

By Christina Robinson / 03/12/2021
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Black Friday – TICK!, Cyber Monday – TICK! Yep, now it’s time for all the emails and adverts to pop up telling you what the marketing trends are for 2022.…

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Did 2021 deliver the trends I suggested?

Did 2021 Deliver the Trends I Suggested?

By Christina Robinson / 26/11/2021
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As a marketer (or marketeer – if you prefer that word!) it’s essential you reflect. Reflecting on results and measuring results, etc. is the norm but for me, as someone…

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Marketing trends to pay attention to

Webinar – Marketing Trends to Pay Attention to

By Christina Robinson / 24/11/2021
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Join Christina as she recaps on the marketing trends for 2021 and looks forward to what’s coming up in 2022.

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