Christina Robinson

Housekeeping jobs for Christmas

Webinar – Housekeeping Checklist for Christmas

By Christina Robinson / 16/11/2021
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You know you have those essential jobs around the house that you keep putting off? You will do anything else to avoid doing them! Well, it’s the same in Social…

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What’s the value of social media for business?

What’s the Value of Social Media for Business?

By Christina Robinson / 05/11/2021
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Remember that day when the world stopped, and you had no choice but to turn to social media to ensure you kept your business going? OK, not everyone did that,…

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Webinar - Essential Google Analytics

Webinar – Essential google analytics

By Christina Robinson / 02/11/2021
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Google Analytics is one of the tools that Google provides to help people understand what visitors are doing on their website. In this webinar, we show you how to get…

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Does Your Website Pass the Marketing Test?

Does Your Website Pass the Marketing Test?

By Christina Robinson / 22/10/2021
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When a new prospective client approaches Green Umbrella Marketing to help them with their social media activity, we have a few systems and procedures to go through before we move…

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Webinar - How to get the most out of twitter

Webinar – How to get the most out of Twitter

By Christina Robinson / 18/10/2021
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You have created a Twitter account and sent your first Tweet, but what happens next? In this webinar, we show you how to get the most out of this platform…

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How to implement an effective blogging strategy

Webinar – How to implement an effective blogging strategy

By Christina Robinson / 05/10/2021
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Content is king, and this is why having an effective blogging strategy is paramount to your online marketing success. You have written a blog, uploaded it to your website, but…

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Recruitment Agency Expo

We’re going Out-Out! – The Recruitment Agency Expo

By Christina Robinson / 30/09/2021
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It has been a long time coming but the Green Umbrella team are ready for a series of face to face events over the next few weeks starting with the…

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Define your ideal client

Defining your ideal client

By Christina Robinson / 30/09/2021
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It is essential to understand who you need to target when it comes to marketing your business – whether that’s on or offline! We see so many business owners as…

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do I need a linkedin page?

Do I Need a LinkedIn Page?

By Christina Robinson / 24/09/2021
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Yes! You need a LinkedIn company page! And yes, they’re hard work to grow, and the engagement can be super slow, but the benefits far outweigh all of that! Here’s…

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webinar - great content ideas for Instagram

Webinar – Great content ideas for Instagram

By Christina Robinson / 21/09/2021
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Are you using Instagram for your business? In this webinar, we look at the different types of content you can put on Instagram – posts, stories, reels, IGTV, etc., and…

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