Christina Robinson

How long should a live video be?

How long should a live video be?

By Christina Robinson / 10/09/2021
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One of the highlights of this week was delivering a webinar for the Chartered Insurance Institute – ‘How to get over your video fears’. It was well received and at…

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Webinar - Linkedin Ads

Webinar – Linkedin advertising – What you need to know

By Christina Robinson / 06/09/2021
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Have you thought about advertising on Linkedin? In this webinar, we look at how to use LinkedIn ads to promote your brand, increase web traffic, find new leads, and more.…

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Maybe don't read this about blogs.

Err… Maybe DON’T read this?

By Christina Robinson / 27/08/2021
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Gah! It’s another one of those ‘I do not know what to write about days’. For nearly an hour, I’ve sat here with a blank screen, thinking no one is…

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Webinar - Linkedin profile check-up

Webinar – Linkedin Profile Check-Up

By Christina Robinson / 17/08/2021
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When was the last time you looked at your Linkedin profile? In this webinar, we walk you through a ten-point checklist to help you make the most of your profile.…

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3 core attributes you need for your business to succeed on social

Three Core Attributes You Need for Your Business to Succeed on Social

By Christina Robinson / 13/08/2021
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Succeed on Social After several years of supporting business owners with their marketing efforts, it has become clear to me what is required to ensure success when implementing a digital…

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Email Marketing Techniques

Email Marketing Techniques that Work

By Christina Robinson / 06/08/2021
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Email marketing techniques We have seen a number of email marketing mistakes over the years. (We even made a few ourselves in the very early days of being in business).…

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4 Ps of Personal Branding

The 4P’s of Personal Branding

By Christina Robinson / 30/07/2021
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Let’s get one thing clear from the outset – you already have a personal brand. But one question I get over and over again is ‘Do I need to have…

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How do I know the online presence of my business is right?

How do I know the online presence of my business is right?

By Christina Robinson / 23/07/2021
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I once met with a business owner who had assured me that there was little we could do to help them with their online presence. They were all over social…

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5 things to do every day on instagram

Webinar – Five Things to do Every Day on Instagram

By Christina Robinson / 20/07/2021
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How do you gain extra exposure on Instagram and build your following? The secret to success on Instagram is simply consistency. This webinar will take you through the five main…

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Live Lunch - Call for Guests... And hosts!

Call for Guests… And hosts!

By Christina Robinson / 02/07/2021
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Usually, I’d be writing to give you some advice or guidance in this article but today, I’d like to offer you an opportunity. For just over a year we have…

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