Christina Robinson

social media mistakes

Webinar – Common Social Media Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

By Christina Robinson / 15/02/2021
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If you’re ready to implement a profitable marketing strategy then there are a few rookie errors you need to avoid. In this webinar, we’ll explain where businesses go wrong on…

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Should I start a podcast

Should I Start a Podcast?

By Christina Robinson / 12/02/2021
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Do you remember back, towards the end of the summer, I announced the launch of my podcast Christina Talks? Since then, like clockwork, every week, episodes have been released and…

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Are you overwhelmed by Social Media

Overwhelmed by Social Media? You are Not the Only One!

By Christina Robinson / 05/02/2021
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Gah! Are you at the point where it is all becoming a bit too much when it comes to social media? For many, when this happens they look to outsource social…

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Paid advertising strategies that work

Webinar – Paid Advertising Strategies that Work

By Christina Robinson / 02/02/2021
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In this webinar, we’ll take you through various advertising strategies for Facebook and Linkedin, and discuss how the various advertising objectives can work together to create the results you want.

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Blogging tips for...

Blogging Tips For…

By Christina Robinson / 29/01/2021
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Blogging tips for business owners. Blogging tips for recruiters. Blogging tips for local business. Blogging tips for… There are so many iterations of this article we’ve written over the years!…

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Does your email marketing suck?

Does Your Email Marketing Suck?

By Christina Robinson / 22/01/2021
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There are 100s – No, that’s wrong. There are 1000s of articles telling you how to make email marketing work for your business. We’ve even written a few ourselves! I…

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Webinar - How to structure a killer content strategy for 2021

Webinar – How to Structure a Killer Content Strategy for 2021

By Christina Robinson / 19/01/2021
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Do you feel like you’re constantly reinventing the wheel when it comes to content creation? In this webinar, we’ll introduce you to a simple structure that can help guide you…

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How Do You Choose A Social Media Agency?

“Help! Our Social Media Needs Work!” – How Do You Choose A Social Media Agency?

By Christina Robinson / 15/01/2021
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It’s January 2021, and I honestly believe that this year, more business owners than ever before will be looking to improve the online presence of their businesses. These business owners…

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Clubhouse - Have you had your invite yet?

Clubhouse – Have You Had Your Invite?

By Christina Robinson / 08/01/2021
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There’s a new social media app in town – ok, yes, there’s ALWAYS a new social media App, but this one appears to be gaining traction, and having had a…

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2021 Goals

2021 – I’m coming to get you!

By Christina Robinson / 29/12/2020
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Yes – it’s that time of year again, the lull between Christmas and New Year where everyone loses track of the days but those of us with big plans for…

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