Christina Robinson

How Do I Create Brand loyalty using social media?

How Do I Create Brand Loyalty Using Social Media?

By Christina Robinson / 01/08/2019
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Brand loyalty, Customer Advocacy… there are other phrases that are used too that all amount to the same things – creating a warm fuzzy feeling in the minds of your…

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Christina talks social media mistakes

Christina talks social media mistakes

By Christina Robinson / 04/07/2019
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June has been a crazy-busy month! I’ve been out and about and certainly have some miles under my belt – but when Cameron from Firefish Software asked me if I…

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Blogging - 99 Problems, but Writing this Blog ain’t One!

99 Problems, but Writing this Blog ain’t One!

By Christina Robinson / 27/06/2019
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If you’ve read my articles in the past (or had a conversation with me), you’ll know how important I believe blogging is. You’ll also know how much I actually detest…

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The Ultimate Social Media Guide for Recruiters

By Christina Robinson / 19/06/2019
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If you are working in the world of recruitment then ignoring social media is simply not an option. You’ve been living in a candidate-short world for several years now and…

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Christina Robinson Q&A with UK Recruiter

Christina’s UK Recruiter Q&A

By Christina Robinson / 13/06/2019
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I had the pleasure of joining UK Recruiter’s Louise Triance, live ‘on air’ (or more specifically on Crowdcast) to discuss tech in general, as well as what we do here…

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Where is everyone hanging out

UK Social Media Stats – Where is everyone really hanging out online?

By Christina Robinson / 07/06/2019
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“UK Social Media Stats” “UK Facebook Useage” “Social Media UK” …and the list goes on as I continue with my regular search for statistics on how we’re using social media…

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Stop Sending Your Email Marketing Via Outlook

Stop Sending Your Email Marketing Via Outlook

By Christina Robinson / 02/05/2019
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I’m always promoting my opinion that it should be a priority to make sure all your marketing activities are in sync with each other if you want to deliver a…

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How to get over the fear of public speaking

How to get over the fear of public speaking

By Christina Robinson / 25/04/2019
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Fear might not be the right word for everyone – but there is an anxiety that comes with public speaking. Speaking to a group of people isn’t something I’ve ever…

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How do I get more Instagram followers?

Umm… how do I get more Instagram followers?

By Christina Robinson / 19/04/2019
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With Instagram being an up and coming platform – it’s no wonder more, and more businesses are turning to this social media site to try and promote their products and…

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Green Umbrella News

Big News At GU!

By Christina Robinson / 03/04/2019
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It’s been a bit of a busy week or so here at Green Umbrella, to say the least. We’ve been out and about talking to recruiters about Social Media at…

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