Christina Robinson

Take a look at my new Threads

Take a look at my new threads

By Christina Robinson / 21/07/2023
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Will Threads be the new kid on the block that wipes Twitter out? I have my thoughts as you’d expect! It certainly has the potential!

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How to use social media to fill a webinar

How To Use Social Media to Fill a Webinar

By Christina Robinson / 14/07/2023
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If you’re thinking about running a webinar or wondering how you can improve the results your getting for webinars you run already, here are some quick points to show you how to effectively market your webinar.

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Digital Marketing Lingo – It Can Be Confusing TBH

By Christina Robinson / 07/07/2023
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When you made a plan to jump in the deep end and take your digital marketing to the next level – you probably didn’t expect to have to start learning the lingo!

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Happy social media day

Happy Social Media Day Folks!

By Christina Robinson / 30/06/2023
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Social Media Day was launched on 30th June 2010 by Mashable as a way to celebrate all things social media. It could be easy to fall into the trap of posting for the sake of posting on a day like today, but remember – make sure when posting on social media from a business perspective you are adding value, otherwise – what’s point? Here are my tips to ensure you are creating good value content.

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What are the top marketers doing right now? Free Webinar

What are the top marketers doing right now?

By Christina Robinson / 29/06/2023
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Join us for a free online event where we’ll discuss what the top marketers are doing right now to stay ahead of the game. Co-hosted by Darin Adams from Keap – the marketing automation platform.

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‘Hey Good Looking… What you got Cooking?’ – How appealing is your LinkedIn profile?

By Christina Robinson / 23/06/2023
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How appealing is your LinkedIn profile? Your LinkedIn profile is your shop window, and you need to make sure it’s current, relevant, and, most importantly, appealing to anyone who may stumble across it.

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Great ideas for marketing your next event

Thirteen Great Ideas For Marketing Your Next Event

By Christina Robinson / 15/06/2023
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Do you host webinars or events?  If so, then using social media, online marketing techniques, and good old fashioned print are essential if you are looking to get bums on seats!

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Using Facebook groups to build and engaged community

How to use Facebook Groups to build an engaged community

By Christina Robinson / 08/06/2023
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Getting started, or rejuvenating your group, means understanding a few things to use Facebook Groups to build an engaged community, here are some of my thoughts.

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How to get the most out of Twitter

How to Get the Most Out of Twitter

By Christina Robinson / 19/05/2023
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Twitter seems to be one of those social media platforms that people have abandoned, you might think nobody is using it, but they are!

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Three Email Marketing Rules To Follow For Campaign Success

Three Email Marketing Rules To Follow For Campaign Success

By Christina Robinson / 12/05/2023
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Three email marketing rules to follow for campaign success. From content to analysing the data, find out how to make your campaign a success!

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