Christina Robinson

Recruitment Marketing Congress February 2024

Recruitment Marketing Congress February 2023

By Christina Robinson / 13/02/2023
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This virtual event will help recruitment marketers focus their time, energy, and resources on the activities that really make a difference. Over an afternoon of fast-paced, and content-rich sessions, you’ll…

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Why social media fails to bring in business

Why social media fails to bring in business

By Christina Robinson / 10/02/2023
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The last couple of weeks has to go down as being record-breaking when it comes to the number of new business conversations I’ve been having! One of the things I…

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Do I need a website?

Do I Need a Website?

By Christina Robinson / 03/02/2023
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If you’re launching a new business, budgets are tight, and costs need to be kept low. You look at the basic requirements a business needs and invest in the must-haves;…

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Tone of voice in marketing

Tone Of Voice In Marketing

By Christina Robinson / 29/01/2023
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There’s a subject that comes up again and again when we’re talking to business owners looking to outsource social media to us – and that’s how we can maintain and…

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How do I know If I’m posting too often on social media? - Posting cadence

How do I know if I’m Posting too Often on Social Media?

By Christina Robinson / 13/01/2023
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How much is too much on social media? I’m often asked if it’s possible to post too much on social media. Does it affect algorithms? Does it impact reach? Won’t…

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Ai Copywriters

AI Copywriters – The Solution to Content Creation In 2023?

By Christina Robinson / 06/01/2023
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AI Copywriting If you’re in marketing, or it’s a subject that you are keeping updated on, you will have probably heard plenty of excited chatter about a tool called Chat…

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2023 goals

2023… I’ve got a secret to share with you

By Christina Robinson / 30/12/2022
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What have you got planned for next year? I have been asked this question so many times in the last few weeks – And I’m sure you have too! For…

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

By Christina Robinson / 22/12/2022
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We would like to wish all of our clients and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you all in 2023!

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Top 10 blogs 2022

Top 10 most read marketing articles in 2022 from the GU Blog

By Christina Robinson / 16/12/2022
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It’s the penultimate Friday before Christmas, and many of you will be disappearing already to spend a few extra days taking a well-earned break. So rather than sharing a new…

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Intentional Marketing

Intentional Marketing – The one strategy you should implement right now

By Christina Robinson / 09/12/2022
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Last week I wrote about the trends I predicted would be big for 2023 and that would bring you the leads you need to take your business and your brand…

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