Christina Robinson

2023 Marketing Tactics

Marketing Tactics 2023 Style!

By Christina Robinson / 01/12/2022
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There are a bunch of traditions here at Green Umbrella Marketing, and they all appear this time of year! There’s the article I write as we begin the final quarter…

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social media success

Smashing Goals – What does success look like on social media?

By Christina Robinson / 25/11/2022
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“Hey Christina – What does success look like on social media?’ I get questions like these all the time! There isn’t a straightforward answer, however, as it’s different for everyone.…

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Amplify your content strategy

Content strategy: How to Amplify Yours in a Few Easy Steps

By Christina Robinson / 18/11/2022
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Content. If you’re responsible for marketing in your business that one word is probably responsible for more than a few sleepless nights. Defining what ‘Content’ is in your business is…

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Looked you up on social

I Don’t Do Social – But I’ve Looked You Up On LinkedIn, Facebook And Twitter

By Christina Robinson / 11/11/2022
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It’s great sitting at my desk staring out of the window. I have a lovely view of the local allotments and I have often been amused by passers-by who do…

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What’s on your Christmas Marketing List?

Shh! …Holidays are Coming – What’s on your Christmas Marketing List?

By Christina Robinson / 30/09/2022
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First of all, I swear I write this article earlier and earlier each and every year! No one – and I mean no one, wants to be the first person…

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What Do I Need to Know About Social Media Marketing?

“What Do I Need to Know About Social Media Marketing?”

By Christina Robinson / 16/09/2022
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Each week, I think through all the conversations I’ve had over the previous seven days and decide which of these have been the most useful and therefore most relevant to…

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Workshop vs Social media coach

How do you Stay Ahead of the Game? Social Media Workshops Versus a Social Media Coach

By Christina Robinson / 09/09/2022
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Wind back a few years to 2009, Green Umbrella was the name given to a new brand that was about to launch a social media workshop, or rather a series…

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SEO and Social Media

A big SEO to-do – When SEO and Social Media Meet

By Christina Robinson / 02/09/2022
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Be warned – this article may come across as a bit shouty at times. I may veer off into a rant here and there. BUT this is something I feel…

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Reluctant Blog Writer

Are You A Reluctant Blog Writer Too?

By Christina Robinson / 26/08/2022
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It’s approaching Friday; I need to write an article for the Green Umbrella blog. Cue that sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach. Yep – palms are sweaty and…

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5 Key elements to creating a video

The Five Main Key Elements of Creating Video for Social Media

By Christina Robinson / 04/08/2022
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If you have not yet embraced the world of video for social media, then please consider this as part of your social media strategy. If you choose not to do…

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